A Stellar Performance

Running a marathon is no easy feat. The months of training your body and mind to work in harmony means cutting back on habits like smoking and drinking for most people, but this bloke clearly came to appreciate the calories in beer as more of a fuel than most.

Cigarette Chen

I get out of breath running up the stairs, and that’s only about 20 steps, not an entire 26-mile marathon. Cigarette Chen is the athlete of our age, who knows what he might be capable of if he didn’t smoke throughout the race, or even, gave up smoking entirely?

Who Ate All the Pies

Everyone loves a pie at the football, even in this case, the players. Non-league Sutton United had drawn a dream tie in Premier League hotshots Arsenal. Wayne Shaw was preparing for the biggest game of his career but he was experiencing some pre-match nerves as the big man admitted later ‘I hadn’t eaten anything all day”. But it wasn’t just hunger striking, Shaw had got wind of some generous odd offered on him eating a pie during the game, so with a rumbling tummy he decided to tuck into a classic steak and onion as he thought “it would give them a bit of banter”….what a legend!

Don’t forget to rinse

Plaque never rests, and neither can we. You’ve just dug into a greasy burger and chips, washed down with a pint of Carlsberg and the breath is not smelling its best. Not a problem for this guy, he’s come prepared, pulling out his trusty pocket toothbrush and refreshes the pegs during a break of play. Now judging by the thick jackets and beanies, it looks as though it’s the middle of British winter and the dude is wearing sunglasses….so I’m hesitant to call it a good idea.

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