While thousands might have spent the night camped out on London’s cold and wet streets, desperate to catch a glimpse of the new King, plenty of other Brits don’t plan on celebrating the coronation at all today, and are finding very effective ways of showing us what they really think.

Vigilante gardener…

You don’t often think of the lawn as a canvas for political messaging, but a vigilante gardener from Bath Spa has said more with a mower than I’d ever thought possible. The 30-foot phallus appeared on the pristine lawn on one of Britains poshest streets, and in the location of a planned coronation garden party location, leaving no doubt over the intended audience. How this was achieved is a mystery, especially given how noisy mowing is and how difficult crafting a symmetrical bell-end can be, made harder by the dark of night.

Shove your Coronation…

Celtic fans have a bit of a reputation for their topical, Monarchy based chants, wheeling them out whenever there’s a Royal occasion to fondly commemorate – see last years “na na na na na na na na na na na, lizzies in a box in a box, lizzies in a box“. For the coronation they’re come up with a new, equally delicate and sensitive chant that expresses their displeasure at the Coronation whilst remaining respectful and nuanced: “You can shove your coronation up your arse”…

Actual Protest…

As was always expected, a dedicated legion of anti-monarchists showed up to Trafalgar Square this morning with an agenda of protest, only to find that London’s Met Police had different plans for them. Before the ringleaders had even managed to unload their placards, the Fuzz had rounded the lot up, put them in cuffs and confiscated the merchandise. Twitter users were quick to compare the police action to the treatment of protestors in China or Russia, and it’s not yet clear why these individuals were arrested before they even begun their legal protest. No way that rented van is getting back to the depot on time now…

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